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History & Civics

Mention three important developments that paved the way for the emergence of the modern world in Europe in the 14th century.





Three important developments that paved the way for the emergence of the modern world in Europe in the 14th century were:

  1. Decline of Feudalism — This changed the social, economic and political life of the Europeans. The peace and freedom that prevailed after the decline of feudalism favoured the growth of new learning.
  2. The Crusades — This provided an impetus to trade and commerce and increased the trade between eastern and western countries that further contributed to the wealth and prosperity.
  3. The discovery of new sea routes — Many voyages were undertaken to discover new sea routes to fulfill the consumers' demand for Oriental goods thereby increasing the commercial contacts with Eastern countries for maximizing profits. The invention of mariner's compass, the astrolabe and the quadrant also helped in undertaking voyages to discover new sea routes.

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