Output Questions for Class 10 ICSE Computer Applications
User Defined Methods
Give output of the following method definition and also write the mathematical operation they carry out:
void test2(int a, int b) { while( a != b) { if ( a > b) a = a — b; else a = b — a; } System.out.println(a); }
if 4 and 17 are passed to the function.
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Java Nested for Loops
Give the output of the following Java program snippet based on nested loops:
int y,p; for (int x=1; x<=3; x++) { for (y=1; y<=2; y++) { p = x * y; System.out.print(p); } System.out.println( ); }
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Java Nested for Loops
Give the output of the following Java program snippet based on nested loops:
int x,y; for(x=1; x<=5; x++) { for(y=1; y<x; y++) { if(x == 4) break; System.out.print(y); } System.out.println( ); }
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Java Nested for Loops
Give the output of the following Java program snippet based on nested loops:
int a,b; for (a=1; a<=2; a++) { for (b= (64+a); b<=70; b++) System.out.print((char) b); System.out.println( ); }
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Java Nested for Loops
Give the output of the following Java program snippet based on nested loops:
int i,j; first: for (i=10; i>=5; i--) { for (j= 5; j<=i; j++) { if (i*j <40) continue first; System.out.print(j); } System.out.println( ); }
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Java Nested for Loops
Give the output of the following Java program snippet based on nested loops:
int i,j; for (i=0; i<4; i++) { for (j=i; j>=0; j--) System.out.print(j); System.out.println(); }
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Java Conditional Stmts
Predict the output of the following Java program code snippet:
int m=3,n=5,p=4; if(m==n && n!=p) { System.out.println(m*n); System.out.println(n%p); } if((m!=n) || (n==p)) { System.out.println(m+n); System.out.println(m-n); }
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Java Conditional Stmts
Predict the output of the following Java program code snippet:
int a=1,b=2,c=3; switch(p) { case 1: a++; case 2: ++b; break; case 3: c--; } System.out.println(a + "," + b + "," +c);
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Java Conditional Stmts
Predict the Output of the given snippet, when executed:
int a=1,b=1,m=10,n=5; if((a==1)&&(b==0)) { System.out.println((m+n)); System.out.println((m—n)); } if((a==1)&&(b==1)) { System.out.println((m*n)); System. out.println((m%n)); }
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Java Conditional Stmts
Predict the Output of the given snippet, when executed:
int b=3,k,r; float a=15.15,c=0; if(k==1) { r=(int)a/b; System.out.println(r); } else { c=a/b; System.out.println(c); }
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Showing 11 - 20 of 147 Questions